Glimpse provides data contributors with access to unfiltered, raw, bond trading data. Clear, easy to understand data distribution rules, driven by the market, with no complex waiver or deferral regime.
Glimpse provides clients with a level of market transparency far beyond what is currently available.
We believe you should be fairly compensated for the data you generate.
Glimpse pays all clients a data dividend proportional to the quantity and volume of trades contributed, while also allowing participants to pass on all or part of their dividend to designated ESG initiatives.
Glimpse aims to democratise access to financial data by removing the high, and increasing costs associated with the existing market structure.
Glimpse is levelling the playing field and tackling the imbalance that exists whereby essential market data is only available to a small number of firms who can afford it.
Glimpse is shaped by its Advisory Board comprised of a wide range of real-money asset managers who provide regular input into how the network operates, how participant data is used and how Glimpse evolves going forward.
Our transparent, industry-driven governance structure ensures appropriate alignment of incentives.
Want to understand how it all works? It’s all in our Rulebook
Trading data shared over the Glimpse network is always anonymous, we never associate a counterparty to an individual trade and aggregation of data is done in such a way that individual client data cannot be reverse engineered.
The Glimpse network is cloud-based and built using reliable, secure, tried and tested technologies and protocols.
Connecting to Glimpse is quick and simple, allowing clients to start sharing and consuming data in a matter of minutes.
Our secure technology stack ensures Glimpse is a service that can be used by all with minimal effort or resources.